Words and Social Media! Guest post by Jeff Greenberg

The power of words throughout human history is undeniable. Words shape our lives, express our emotions, and represent ourselves to the world. Rarely do words hold more power than in the realm of social media. Through social media, and the words contained within it, we have seen tangible changes in the structure of our world – from Tahrir Square in Egypt, to the steps of the White House in Washington. Recently, we have seen a disturbing trend in the fast-growing medium – pictures, simple images, it seems, have taken precedence over the written word. This is concerning for the more traditional  internet user and even non-users, who often are much more comfortable exploring new information through words.

As social media advances into the future, it is crucially important that the word remain at its heart. One of the most active websites on the internet, Reddit, often relies solely upon a single sentence or phrase to attract visitors to what is often world-changing news. Without that hook – those few critical words – information would not nearly be able to travel as fast as the internet generation demands it. Heyku, one of the newer social media apps looking to reverse this trend back to the written word is already gaining steam with a loyal following happy to have a form of verbal expression that is aesthetically pleasing as well.  While social media beacons like Tumblr and Imgur often draw large audiences, they have never reached the numbers of more traditional text-based layouts such as Reddit or Twitter. The difference can, without a doubt, be attributed to the power of the written word.

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